

é SALON創意團隊是由既富創意同時是人生伴侶的Emiliano和Lisa領軍。身為第一組表演團隊帶來了一場絕美的示範,其靈感來自蕾絲,化妝舞會和骨骼框架。該示範展現了對比,創意與熱情完美的為這個下午奠定了一個好的開始。

The é SALON creative team, led by creative & life partners, Emiliano and Lisa Vitale, were first up with a hauntingly beautiful demonstration inspired by lace, a masquerade and skeletal frameworks. There was contrast, creativity and passion, setting the scene perfectly for the afternoon.


被譽為世界級數一數二的剪髮師與染髮師,強大的英國教育團隊Mazella & Palmer透過他們的主題Artwear用當代的手法詮釋經典形狀並利用色彩加強效果,他們同時亦鼓勵觀眾除了思考自己如何剪染頭髮,更重要的是“為什麼”。

Regarded among the world’s best cutters and colourists, the education powerhouse of the UK’s Mazella & Palmer encouraged the audience, via their theme of Artwear to think about not just how you cut and colour hair, but why, with contemporary takes on classic shapes, enhanced by colour. 

_L2A1437Caterina DiBiase展現了一個令人震撼的視覺效果以讚揚“亞洲的崛起” - 羽毛,紋理和珠寶來自達芬奇畫家和她自己的”熊貓包頭“的啟發融合成一個精緻典雅的作品。

Caterina DiBiase presented a stunningly visual tribute to ‘Emerging Asia’ – feathers, texture and jewels inspired by Da Vinci and her own ‘Panda buns’ came together in a sophisticated and elegant production.


 展現新突破的IndiaJason Miller以獨到的技術創造前衛造型;既當代又美妙般的效果引用了經典風格的“香奈兒黑色外套”為啟發,強調了精緻的美感,這包含了有看似像泡泡包裝紙紋理的頭髮和他們獨特的美髮縫紉。

India and Jason Miller broke new ground, showcasing a distinct and technical approach to avante garde; contemporary and wonderfully eclectic, they referenced the classic feel of the “Chanel black jacket’ enhanced by a more polished aesthetic which included hair that appeared like bubble wrap in texture and their unique hair stitching.


Brad Ngata帶來了一場熱力四射的秀,其中有穿著高跟鞋的男舞者,奢華的氣息還添加了珠光寶氣。此次的髮型啟發自Brad的時尚棚拍造型,長髮上帶有大量的珠寶亮片做點綴。

Brad Ngata delivered a high-energy show, complete with male back up dancers in heels and a defined feeling of luxe, with sparkles and glitter thrown in for balance. The hair was influenced by Brad’s session styling/editorial flair, length and lots of it adorned with bling.


當晚的壓軸無庸置疑的是X-presion鐵三角 - Marco Antonio Restrepo Jorge Cáncer Jose Luis Almendral。他們帶來自己的Down Under 作品集,其特色為粉染拖把頭,當然還有第一次在澳洲發表的#xpresionpixel像素染。三人在台上的示範讓觀眾的驚呼聲四起,不難理解為何此三人團隊是美髮領域裡創新、技巧與新發現的先鋒。

Fittingly the final presentation for the night was the X-presion trio - Marco Antonio Restrepo, Jorge Cáncer and Jose Luis Almendral – presenting work from their Down Under collection characterized by powder colored mop heads, and of course their first Australian showcase of #xpresionpixel. Drawing gasps and ‘Wows” from the audience the threesome demonstrated why they are at the forefront of hair innovation, technique and discovery.



Ssh! once again delivered an experiential educational experience for professionals in the hair, makeup, fashion and design arenas; a concept daring in it’s approach and delivery.


Says Emiliano, “I feel we have once again amplified education on a neutral platform by presenting a collective of incomparable creative, delivering something completely different with international teams we believe have truly impacted our industry with their other-worldly ingenuity and originality.”    

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“我認為Ssh!真實的改變了我們美髮界景觀的面貌 ─ 該教育手法帶有創造性,不可預知並富有遠見;此秀真的下決心改變和擴大教育的視野。 ”

“I think Ssh! has truly changed the face of our hairdressing landscape – creative, unpredictable and visionary in it’s approach to education; It really sets out to change and expand the educational horizon. ”


According to Benni “The whole focus of Ssh! has been to fuse passion, unity,  education, legends of the industry and raw talent to provide our audience the ultimate in creative inspiration and hair wizardry.”

那2016年的Ssh!呢? 容我們先賣個關子!

And what about Ssh! 2016? We’re keeping that a secret for now!


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