
We all have our little pet peeves; the things that seem inconsequential to everyone else but make us annoyed. To some it may seem like we are being anal, but believe it or not, those little things can add up to an enormous negative impact. Whenever I go into a business, I make it a point to assess how I am treated and how the staff conducts and presents themselves. It always helps me get an overall view of the business as a whole, and to pinpoint what other, larger problems could be lurking underneath.


Yes, I am judging you and so are your clients.


Here are the “little” things that I’ve seen time and time again in businesses of all kinds, that not only really piss me off when I experience them, but also tell me that these surface issues are likely hiding other more serious problems underneath:

下列一些 “小”事情是我不斷地在各類產業裡所親眼目睹的,這些小事情不只惹火了我,也同時意味著在這些事件的表象之下可能潛藏著更為嚴重的問題。

Lateness – To me, keeping me waiting is the epitome of rudeness. It isn’t because I think I am better than you, it’s because it translates to me that you value your time more important than mine. I have scheduled my time around you; I got my shit together to not keep you waiting and yet here I am waiting. I totally understand that sometimes things happen, but a phone call, text, email, smoke signal anything would have been nice to let me know. Yes, I am judging you, especially when you do it all the time, or when you wanted my business so badly you couldn’t even get your arse to the appointment on time.

遲到 ─  對我來說,讓我枯等個老半天是無禮的象徵。這不是因為我認為我優越過你,而是在我看來這代表了你注重自己的時間更甚於我的時間。我都已經為了配合你的時間把自己的繁雜鳥事排開好讓你不用等待,結果換我在等你。我完全能理解有時候不是人為的,但是一通電話,email,LINE一下,甚至發出煙訊讓我知道一下也不為過吧。沒錯,我是在批判你,尤其當你老是這麼做,或是當你雖然極度想要我的生意卻沒辦法按時赴約的時候。

Dirt – When I walk into a business and see dirt, mess and clutter, I am judging you because it tells me the business isn’t cared about, and the owner and staff have become complacent. It doesn’t matter what kind of business you have, it needs to be clean and tidy. That includes making sure it is organized and uncluttered, even if you think a customer can’t see it, because guess what? THEY CAN! Would you invite people into your home if it were a filthy cluttered mess? Was that a no? And why is that? Ohhhhh right…because they would judge you!

骯髒 ─ 當我走進一家店然後看到髒污與亂七八糟的雜物時,我就會評論你,因為這代表了這家店並沒有受到關心,而且店主與員工都變得自滿。不論你是經營什麼樣的事業都必須是乾淨整潔的。這包括了要確保工作環境是整齊有秩序的,縱使你認為反正客人看不到,可是你知道嗎?他們看得到!如果你自己的家亂成一團,你會邀請朋友來家裡作客嗎?不會是吧?為什麼呢?噢對…因為他們會對你評頭論足!

Appearance – When you go to work, remember that it’s literally work! That means you should put some WORK into your appearance. I don’t want to see how you go to the gym, what you look like when you roll out of bed or how you smell when you have partied hearty and haven’t showered. I want to see someone well put together looking like they have taken some pride in their appearance and cared about themselves and what they do. Otherwise, yes I am judging you. And before you tell me you’re not in the fashion industry or what does it really matter, nobody is interested in how you look and it’s the job you do, you’re actually wrong. People DO judge you on your appearance. As I said earlier, if you can’t take pride in yourself then I’m assuming you’re not taking pride in what you do.

儀容 – 當你去工作時,記住就是字面上的意思”工作”!這表示你應該穿”工作”服。我不想看到你穿著上健身房的打扮,你爬出被窩時的樣子或是聞你身上瘋狂跑趴一夜後沒洗澡的味道。我想看到有人對自己的穿著打扮花了心思並因此感到自豪而且用心看待自己及自己從事的工作。如果沒有的話,那麼我就是在批評你。在你向我解釋說你並非時尚工作者或者以“這不重要反正沒人對我的穿著感興趣而且我只想專注工作”為理由之前,我就會先告訴你,這個想法大錯特錯。大家都會評論你的外觀。就像我稍早之前談到的,如果你沒辦法對自己感到驕傲那我猜你對自己做的事情也不會感到自豪。

Gum Chewing – If you’re chomping on gum, whether you want to admit it or not, you look like a cow! Yes, that’s right, a cow. And when you add the smack, pop and chew of it all and I can see it wadded up in your mouth, I’m not only judging you, but now I’m wondering are you a cow or are you a squirrel? It is an unprofessional and disgusting habit, and it is not attractive in the least. If you need a breath refreshment (as we all do), try a mint!

嚼口香糖 – 如果你正在嚼口香糖,不管你願不願意承認,你看起來就像頭牛!對,沒錯,一頭牛。如果你還嚼出聲音又讓我看得見你滿口的口香糖,我不只在批評你,我更嚴重懷疑你是頭牛還是隻松鼠?這是個既不專業又噁心的習慣,而且完全沒有吸引力可言。如果你需要保持口氣清爽 (大家都需要),來顆薄荷糖!

Bad Customer Service – Nothing pisses me off more than bad customer service. If I am coming into a business to spend my money, there is a level of service that I should be given which includes being acknowledged, listened to and given the product or service that I asked for. I am really sorry if I am interrupting you from gossiping on the phone, having your lunch, bitching with the other staff or reading your magazine. What kind of idiot am I for expecting you to do the job you are being paid for?! You better believe I am not only judging you, but I am walking my 6-inch heels out the door and over to the place that offers what you do only with good customer service.

爛客服 – 沒有任何事比糟糕的客戶服務更讓我抓狂。如果我今天要來花錢,那我就會有一定程度的服務要求例如受到關心、聆聽同時給予我所要求的產品或服務。如果我打斷你在電話上聊八卦、正在吃午餐、跟別的同事在幹譙或翻雜誌的時候那真是抱歉阿。我怎麼會笨到認為你會做人家付錢請你來做的工作?你最好相信我不只是撻伐你,我還踩著我6吋高的高跟鞋往門外走去那個一樣提供你會做的事情但還附加了優質客戶服務的地方。

Excuses – It is so awful that you’re short staffed, your car didn’t start, you were stuck in traffic, OMG your alarm didn’t go off, and my personal favorite, you weren’t expecting it to be so busy! I could tell you that it’s OK and that I will be back to see you soon, and that I like you and the place anyway, and I will still tell all my friends, and I don’t mind that you are out of my favorite dish or you didn’t write down my appointment. Well guess what? I am judging you, and as we all know, I don’t do excuses. If you weren’t expecting me to stay in your business then I will be more honest than some of your customers and tell you I won’t be back and neither will my friends.

藉口一堆 – 好慘喔你人手不足、你的車發不動、你卡在車陣動彈不得、天阿!你的鬧鐘沒響,還有一個我個人最愛的藉口 – 你沒料到會這麼忙!我大可跟你說沒關係我下次再來,反正我喜歡你跟這家店,我還是會跟我所有的朋友介紹,我也不介意你沒記下我的預約。你知道嗎? 我正在撻伐你,人盡皆知我不吃藉口這一套。如果你沒打算做我的生意那我會比任何你的其他顧客更老實的告訴你,我不會再回來而且我的朋友亦然。

Not Knowing Your Stuff – We all need someone to turn to; an expert in the field we know nothing about. If you entice me with something better than what I asked you for, my ears always perk up. I try and do my homework before I turn to you, so I don’t feel like a moron when you start showing me how smart you are. However, when I start asking you questions about your recommendation or expertise, and you have no answers for me or worse, you look at me like a deer in headlights or even admit to me that you’re not REALLY an expert and that it just sounded good on the sign, business card or it’s a promotion then I am judging you because you better know your business especially if you want to fib to me about your level of expertise.

對自己的領域一知半解 – 當我們對某個領域不了解時,我們都需要向該領域的專家請教。如果我要求什麼東西你卻跟我推薦別的東西時,我的耳朵總是會豎立起來。在我來找你之前我都盡量先做點功課,這樣當你在秀說你有多聰明的時候我不會表現的像個白癡。但是,當我開始針對你推薦的東西或專業知識提出問題時,你卻一問三不知或是更糟糕的 – 愣在那裡,甚至對我承認你其實不是真的專家,你會跟我推薦只不過是因為廣告單或名片上聽起來不錯,又或者恰巧是正在做促銷。那我批判你只因為你最好了解你的工作尤其是你還想對我扯謊你的專業程度。

Inconsistency – I keep going back to a business because the product and/or service is always consistent. If you can’t give me the right end result all the time and the service is always terrible and it’s always something different, then yes, I am judging you, especially after I have invested in you in more ways than one. Your inconsistencies tell me you haven’t reciprocated in my investment and as we all know none of us want a one-sided relationship.

品質沒有保證 – 我會重複回到同一家店是因為他的產品以及/或者服務永遠是一樣的。如果你無法每次都提供相同效果而且服務總是很爛又品質不一,那麼是的,我就是在指責你,尤其是我在你身上投資了不少的時候。你的品質參差不齊代表說你並沒有回報我的投資,而大家都知道沒有人想要單向的關係。

I’ve shared with you a few of my pet peeves and given you a little something to think about. Maybe some of these peeves hit close to home, and maybe you have come to the conclusion that you have some work to do on yourself and/or your business. The good news is, I’ll be sharing some solutions and advice on more than one occasion to help you along the way, because I know habits can be broken and people can change. The bad news, I can’t provide a solution to stop you from chewing gum. That gumball is in your court.



pic : http://www.lovethispic.com/image/20717/stop-pissin...

原文: Tabatha Coffey


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